Exporting Data from the Data Explorer
Now that you have loaded a web feature service (WFS) into the NGDS Data Explorer, you can export the attributes describing some or all of the features in the service to an HTML table. Attributes can be exported in this way from only one web service at a time.
To export feature attributes, take the following steps:
- Select any specific features for which you want to export attributes (optional) by clicking-and-dragging a bandbox around the desired features in the WFS Map window
- You can deselect all currently selected features by clicking Clear All Selected on the WFS Map toolbar (Figure 1)
- Click the layer you wish to export under Available Layers
- Click Create Table on the WFS Map toolbar
A new tab or window will open in your web browser, containing an HTML table. This table contains attributes for every feature you exported.
From here, you have two options:
- Save the table as a discrete HTML document on the hard drive of your computer, accessible at any time:
- In window or tab containing the HTML table you have just created, click File > Save Page As… in your web browser
- Browse to the desired location
- Type the desired name for your HTML document
- In the Save as type: dropdown menu, select Web Page, complete (*.html, *.html)
- Click Save
- Copy and paste the table into an appropriate application, such as Microsoft Excel:
- In window or tab containing the table you have just created, click Edit > Select All in your web browser
- Click Edit > Copy
- Open a new document in the desired application
- Click Edit > Paste
- Click File > Save As...
- Browse to the desired location
- Type the desired name for your document
- Click Save
This completes the export process. Repeat the process for each layer you wish to export in this way.