How to Implement NGDS Naming Conventions
Data providers implement National Geothermal Data System (NGDS) naming conventions when deploying data as a web service by providing appropriate information at both the service level and the layer level; this information must conform to NGDS conventions.
Service-level information includes the following:
The Service Name
- In an ArcGIS environment, the Service Name is specified on the first page of the Add New Service wizard in ArcMap; note that the Service Name is not the name of the ArcMap project (*.mxd file) from which the web service is deployed (though the two can be identical without violating NGDS naming conventions)
- In a GeoServer environment, the Service Name is referred to as a workspace
The XML namespace that identifies the schema to which the data being deployed has been mapped (see below for more information)
- In an ArcGIS environment, the XML namespace is provided when specifying the web feature service capabilities of your web service
- In a GeoServer environment, the XML namespace is provided when creating a workspace
Layer-level information includes the following:
Layer Name: The name of a data layer within the service; there can be multiple layers in a single service
- In an ArcGIS environment, users can, and often do, choose to deploy a service using the layer names specified in the ArcMap project (*.mxd file) from which the server has been deployed; if so, then the layer names in the ArcMap project (*.mxd file) from which the server has been deployed should conform to NGDS naming conventions
- In a GeoServer environment, layer names are specified when adding layers to a workspace
The exact Service Name, XML namespace, and Layer Names specified by the user when deploying their data as a web service will vary depending on the data being deployed and the schema to which that data has been mapped. For more information on the process of web service deployment, see the GeoSciML-Portrayal Cookbook.
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