Web Services and Schemas

To briefly summarize the relationship between web services and schemas: web services are used by the National Geothermal Data System project to deploy data that has been mapped to an interchange format structured by a schema provided by NGDS content models (for more information about NGDS content models, see the NGDS Content Model Tutorial).

As indicated above, users will conform to different naming conventions depending on the schema to which the data they are deploying as a web service is mapped; the schema to which the data is mapped depends on the kind of data being deployed. For example, data describing a water chemistry analysis would be mapped to an AqueousChemistry schema; when deployed, AqueousChemistry naming conventions would be used.

AASG Geothermal Data naming conventions are enumerated by schema in Table 1; see below for a description of each field in the table:

Schema Current Version Service Name Layer Name
ActiveFault 1.2 **ActiveFaults ActiveFault
ActiveFault 1.5 **ActiveFaults ActiveFault
AqueousChemistry 1.9 **aqWellChemistry WaterQuality
AqueousChemistry 1.9 **aqSpringChemistry CommonAnalytes
AqueousChemistry 1.9 **AqueousChemistry BaseMetals
AqueousChemistry 1.9 **AqueousChemistry MajorDissolvedConstituents
AqueousChemistry 1.9 **AqueousChemistry MinorDissolvedConstituents
AqueousChemistry 1.9 **AqueousChemistry Nitrogen
AqueousChemistry 1.9 **AqueousChemistry WaterDissolvedGas
AqueousChemistry 1.9 **AqueousChemistry FreeGas
AqueousChemistry 1.9 **AqueousChemistry WaterIsotopes
AqueousChemistry 1.9 **AqueousChemistry GasIsotopes
AqueousChemistry 1.9 **AqueousChemistry IsotopesDissolved
BoreholeLithIntercept 1.1 **BoreholeLithIntercepts BoreholeLithIntercept
BoreholeLithInterval 0.9 **BoreholeLithIntervals BoreholeLithInterval
Borehole Temperature 1.5 **BoreholeTemperatures BoreholeTemperature
Borehole Temperature 1.6 **BoreholeTemperatures N/A
ContactView 2.0 N/A ContactView
DirectUseSite 1.5 **DirectUseSites DirectUseSite
DrillStemTest 1.8 **DrillStemTests DrillStemTest
DrillStemTest 1.9 **DrillStemTests DrillStemTest
EventHypocenter 1.7 **SeismicHypocenters Hypocenter
FaultFeature 1.0 **Faults Fault
FaultFeature 1.1 **Faults Fault
FluidFluxInjection 1.1 **FluidFluxInjection FluidFluxInjection
FluidProduction 1.1 **FluidProduction FluidProduction
GeologicUnitView 2.0 N/A GeologicUnitView
GeothermalArea 0.5 **GeothermalAreas GeothermalArea
GeothermalFluidProduction 1.1 **GeothermalFluidProduction GeothermalFluidProduction
Geothermometry 0.1 **Geothermometry Geothermometry
HeatFlow 1.23 **HeatFlow HeatFlow
HeatPumpFacility 0.6 **HeatPumpFacilities HeatPumpFacility
PowerPlantFacilities 0.2 **PowerPlants PowerPlant
PowerPlantProduction 0.8 **PlantProduction PlantProduction
RockChemistry 0.4 **RockChemistry U-Series
RockChemistry 0.4 **RockChemistry IsotopeSeries
RockChemistry 0.4 **RockChemistry TraceElements
RockChemistry 0.4 **RockChemistry WRMajorElements
RockChemistry 0.4 **RockChemistry StableIsotopes
RockChemistry 0.4 **RockChemistry RareEarth
RockChemistry 0.4 **RockChemistry Volatiles
RockChemistry 0.4 **RockChemistry NobleGasses
ShearDisplacementStructure 2.0 N/A ShearDisplacementStructure
ThermalConductivity 2.0 **ThermalConductivity ThermalConductivity
ThermalSpring 1.6 **ThermalSprings ThermalSpring
ThermalSpring 1.8 **ThermalSprings N/A
VolcanicVent 1.4 **VolcanicVents VolcanicVent
Wellheader 1.5 **Wellheaders Wellheader
Wellheader 1.7 **Wellheaders N/A
WellLog 0.8 **WellLogs WellLog

Table 1: AASG Geothermal Data naming conventions, listed by schema; entries highlighted in red represent schemas that have not yet been deployed; entries highlighted in gray represent schemas that are deprecated but remain in use; a pair of asterisks (**) indicates a pair of "wildcard" characters that should be replaced with the appropriate state abbreviation (such as AZ for Arizona)

The fields in Table 1 are as follows:

  • Schema: The NGDS schema used to structure the data deployed by the user
  • Current Version: The most up-to-date version of the NGDS schema listed in the Schema column; multiple versions of a given schema indicate that a transition to a newer version of that schema is in progress
  • Service Name: Conventions for NGDS Service Names; here, a pair of asterisks (**) indicates a pair of "wildcard" characters that should be replaced with the appropriate state abbrevation. For example:
    • An Arizona web service structured by the RockChemistry schema would use the Service Name AZRockChemistry
    • A California web service structured by ThermalSpring schema would use the Service Name CAThermalSprings
  • Layer Name: Conventions for NGDS Layer Names. For example:
    • A layer containing data describing water quality in a web service structured by the AqueousChemistry schema would be called WaterQuality
    • A layer containing data describing a rock isotope analysis in a web service structured using the RockChemistry schema would be called IsotopeSeries

Note that these naming conventions should be adhered to exactly with regard to capitalization, spacing, punctuation, plurality, and state abbreviation.

For a list of hyperlinks that dereference to representations of the schemas described in Table 1, see Table 3.

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